Section A - evaluation
Part (a) will require candidates to focus the discussion of their own skills development on to one or two specific production practices...
Research and Planning skills in the outcome of media products
In whatever area I work, I’ve always considered the importance of research and planning. I never start a project or an idea without...
Explain how meaning is constructed by the use of media language in one of your coursework production
The product that I will analyses is my As film opening, “Demure”. The message that is constructed and delivered in such a short period of...
Post-modern media exam questions
• What are the different versions of post-modernism (historical period, style, theoretical approach)? • What are the arguments for and...
Question 4
For the last question I worked with Aletta, as she also had to present her creative critical reflection for the As media coursework. We...
Question 3
I recorded myself reading out my answer to the third question and uploaded it on Sound Cloud as a podcast.
Question 2
For the second question I used segments of the film and images from the website and postcard to illustrate my answer.
Question 1
I decide to present the first Creative Critical Reflection as a sort of documentation of the filming process. I used shots from the...
CCR - question 4
How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project? I used a lot of different ideas, trying to be...
CCR - question 3
How do your products engage with the audience and how would they be distributed as real media products? “Iridescent” engages the audience...
Copy rights ©
I would like to mention that for this short film I used a few elements that I did not create myself. No director works on their own, and...