Demure - Film Opening Script
After discussing ideas and planning with Tea, I wrote the script for our film opening.
Also added bellow are images of the script in Celtx format, saved as a pdf.
Scene 1: Waking up
A young man's eyes are looking straight into the camera, expressionless.
I keep thinking but that just makes it worse. One question leads to another... and another....
Extreme close up zooms out to close up of his whole face and shoulders.
And I get lost in this vortex of words and thoughts but they don't seem to have any correlation.
He stops moving his mouth but the words continue to be heard as if he is saying them.
(sitcom sound:gasp)
And they certainly don't lead to any conclusion.
He slowly turns his head and eyes to the right and looks at something outside the shot. After a few seconds he looks back into the camera with a slightly worried expression.
establishing shot:
He is sitting on a small bed, placed by the right wall of a dark, empty room. The only window that can be seen is covered by papers and plastic bags. After a few moments he lies down awkwardly and slowly on the bed.
(respect 180 rule throughout scene)
We see his face as he lays his head on the pillow. He closes his eyes, worriedly, unsettled.
He is laying down on the bed and stretching in a strange, unnatural way.
(sitcom sound: awww)
mid shot:
Shows him sitting up right on the bed, from his left side. His breathing can be heard and he is staring at the left wall of the room. (outside the shot). He crawls to the end of the bed and sits down again.
Follows his gaze to the wall, there is nothing there.
He is sitting in the same position on the bed, still staring, frowning at the wall. Abrupt cut shows him standing by the wall and hitting his head against the wall, crying and clawing at the wall. This only lasts one second, cut back to him sitting on the bed.
After another moment, he starts to lay back down on the bed, scared, worried.
We see his face as he lays his head on the pillow. He closes his eyes, worriedly, unsettled.
He is thrashing on the bed and turning from one side to another. Cuts show the same shot of the bed, alternating between him laying still and moving on the bed, his eyes closed.