I found a video that I would like to use for the special effects in my short film. I thought I could overlay images of the main character...
Media Language - Theories
We used many symbols and subtle ways of expressing ideas in our film opening. We actually tried to focus on what each shot and its...
Narrative - Theories
We used the Kuleschov effect in our film opening to suggest the discomfort and conflict between the character and what he sees. He sees...
Representation - Theories
Intersectionality is present in all media forms and encompassed by all characters, whether they are in portrayed in films, news or...
Audiences - Theories
The Marxist view that the audience is directly influenced by media is a powerful perspective that has many arguments to support it. Our...
Genre - Theories
“Demure” fits into the surreal sub-genre of horror, it uses conventions such as dream scenes, blurring the line between reality and the...
Theories - Anlaysis
In class, we studied different theories related to genre, narrative, representation, audiences and media language. I chose a few...
Effects - Inspiration
I would like to include special effects in my short film to create a more psychedelic feeling and bring the audience deeper into the...
Target Audience - infographics
When I created this info-graphic I tried to consider who might watch my short film. I thought of both psychographics and demographics of...
Creating this mood board has helped a lot in putting my ideas and thoughts together about the short film and what I want to present. With...
Film and website - inspiration
AMERICAN HONEY The indie film that I studied last year, for my case study, is a great source of inspiration for what I have in mind this...
Video Inspiration
These two videos inspired me to use special effects