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Location recce - The Paintbrush Factory

After visiting the Paintbrush factory, Tea and I decided that we will film our film opening here. The building has an entire floor, the fourth floor, that is not in use. Our media studies teacher knows one of the artists who works in this gallery and she talked to her so that we can film there. We will start going next week, beginning with the 20th of February.

This location is perfect for our film opening because we were looking for an abandoned house or room, this way we also have electricity and heating and we are not going on any property that we might not have been allowed to use. We also have a much larger area, we can use the entire floor but also the surroundings which are also well suited for our genre because the art gallery is located in a more industrial, old area of Cluj.

By using this location we stick to our genre conventions and to our target audience preferences. The abandoned floor is filled with old furniture and all the windows are dirty and covered with dust. Also, there are long dark corridors and the only sources of light are the windows. This will not be a problem when filming because we will use spot lights and artificial lights when needed, for a more dramatic, artistic effect, we do not want to use a lost of natural light. This is why we will film in the afternoons and at night.

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