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Today we managed to film almost half of all the shots we need. We all got to the Paint Brush factory earlier than yesterday and began working at around five o'clock.

At first we wanted to take each shot in order because they were all in the same room anyway. But then we sort of let our creativity decide what we filmed next. So we ended up having a few shots from the beginning of the script and also some extra ones which were not planned, we filmed the same actions we had thought of but in different ways, using different angles than planned.

One difficulty we encountered today was the fact that in the next room workers were drilling the floor so for about two hours we had to work in noisy conditions. However, this was not a huge problem because we do not intend to use the audio from our footage, we will record the speech and music we need separately.

Overall, today was more fun and more productive than the first day, because we got in the rhythm of filming and we organized ourselves better.

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