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This is the final version of "Demure".

This project, that Tea and I worked on for many months, was not easy to complete but it was certainly satisfying in the end, seeing all our work put together in the final format that we are very proud of. It is obviously not exactly what we had in mind in the beginning but it is a lot more and better, being creative and spontaneous while filming and while editing brought a huge improvement that we did not foresee when planning all the steps we had to take. We all worked together very well, it helped a lot that Tea, Fele and I were already close friends. Also, there were no complications during filming and no technical issues while editing.

The changes we made from the last version to finalize the film opening are related to the text, the colors and the sound. They aren't big or obvious changes, but that's what the final version needs to focus on, details.

We changed the font to a sans serif one, and made it slightly smaller, we also made some adjustments to how the names were positioned in the frame. Overall, we made sure that all the credits were visible, subtle and suited for the atmosphere of the film.

Some changes had to be made to the sound because we cut a few of the jump cuts some more so that we could have the title of the film on for longer in the end. We put the text on top of the final shot, instead of having it over a black background. This can suggest more accurately that the title refers to the character, as it is written above his bed as he struggles with his dreams and nightmares.

Because of this change, the sound had to be synchronized again with the key points of the action. When doing this, we also decided to make the part of his speech when he doesn't move his lips a bit quieter. We thought that this might ad even more mystery to what he was saying, suggesting that that last sentence is truly in his head, the audience might even think twice about whether they heard something or not. It also attracts their attention because they must really listen to understand what he is saying.

We also made some small changes to the colors of the film, making it lighter in some shots that were to dark and correcting any discrepancies between shots.

These are all the final changes we made for the film opening of "Demure". We have shown it to some friends and family members, all the feedback we got was encouraging and they were amazed by our unique ideas. All we wanted was to have fun and gain a new experience from working on this and we hope that our hard work and creativity will be appreciated.

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