After finishing all the work related to the creation and evaluation of " Demure" I think I managed to learn a lot from all the stages. It wasn't easy and the whole process was very time consuming, mainly because we wanted every detail to be perfect. In the end, all our hard work payed off and we were very pleased with the final outcome.
Some more difficult parts were the editing of both the film opening and the creative critical reflection answers. surprisingly, it was easier to put together the two minutes of the film opening than the four answers. One reason for this was the length of the videos, even if for the two minutes of "Demure" Tea and I spent several weeks, the work we did was much easier. I had several technical problems when editing my answers, especially the one for question 3. The fact that I had almost 15 minutes of film which had to be fast forwarded made the MackBook I used work very slowly, it was a lot to render. I was also pressed by time and any difficulty meant another hour or two. I tried using my Dell laptop too, for the prezi for example, but it worked very slow as well.
For the film opening we spent so much time on it only because we worked on details and there were a lot more choices to make about music and color. We had no problems with the program we used or with the laptop. Because the trial we used of Adobe Premiere was over, I had to find other methods to make my creative critical reflection. Eventually I managed to finish everything on time, but now I know that I must make sure I have all the technology necessary for a project like this before I begin.
These were the only problems I had while making "Demure"throughout this school year. Otherwise, it was all a pretty smooth process, mainly because I tried to respect the deadlines our teacher gave us. I had time to deal with any unpredictable situations, and fortunately they weren't many.
I also learned a lot about the film industry while researching other film openings and looking for inspiration. I understood the conventions and I started noticing when they are broken or respected. For example, I noticed how in David Lynch's movies, no production houses or distribution companies are shown in the beginning, there are no logos as might be conventional for movies with a larger production. We also did this in our film opening, because we considered that our movie would be an independent production, we began directly with the story.
To conclude, the whole process of making this film opening was very complex and many aspects were new to me, but overall I enjoyed working and learning new things because I am passionate about filmmaking and the creative process behind it.