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Other genres and styles

Even if I have some general ideas about what I want to do for my short film, I thought it would help to look at other styles and genres that could at least help me understand what I don't want to do, if they don't offer me extra inspiration.

I know I don't want to create an animation, because it does not give the realistic feeling that films offer. They are most often comedic in some ways, and I want to create a serious drama.

Furthermore, I don't intend to make a film that requires a lot of props or actors, because I know I will not have a large budget. I plan on focusing on what I have, and finding locations that can be beautiful and can create an impact on their own. Also, the actors that I choose will be unique and memorable, and together with the story behind the film, all these will be enough to make an amazing short film with a low budget.

The french short film "Silo" is an example of a film with a larger budget that allowed for props that make up a big part of the story and the impact it has on the audience.

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