Target Audience - infographics
When I created this info-graphic I tried to consider who might watch my short film. I thought of both psychographics and demographics of my audience, but I also took this opportunity to play with visual elements that would represent my style and ideas.
I did not conduct a questionnaire because I already had in mind what my audience would look like. After the research I did last year I knew what people this short film would reach and what types of people would be interested in it. So I created an info-graphic to present the features of an audience I am already planning to target.
I first though of the age of my audience, I believe that it would be most relatable and appealing to young people between 15 and 19, this is because the characters will be around 17 years old. Teenagers could also feel like they went through moments like the ones I will present and they might find the setting and events familiar and appealing. I will not relate more to males than females or vice versa, that is why all genres are equally divided in my info-graphic. My short film will be simply about people and that should not be biased towards any gender.
Further, I thought of the region that the audience will come from. The biggest percentage will be Eastern Europe because I anticipate that my friends and colleagues will be the ones who will watch the short film. I will also publish it on YouTube and maybe reach a wider audience, but that is less likely. I might submit my work to Romanian or European organisations such as Cineuropa or Transilvania Film, but mostly the audience will be composed of people around me that will share my work. This aslo made me think of how my short film will reach people. Mostly, this will happen through recommending it to different people. I will show it to whomever I can and hope that they will recommend it to other people too. My product could also be found online by people who search for short films and are interested in them, and by browsing YouTube, but these two options are much less likely than the first.
I also considered the genres and sub-genres I will make use of and whether the audiences will be interested in them. I think that the most common and obvious genre in my short film will be drama. I will also use effects, lights and images to create psychedelic elements and the surreal atmosphere. My audience could also be interested in thriller as the film will present some tension and action.
The last important aspect of my target audience refers to the uses and gratifications theory, I asked myself "Why will people watch my short film?". I think that the majority of my audience will be people I know that will watch it to talk about it and discuss my ideas. They will also try to understand the message and decode my thoughts. Finally, a smaller percentage will be made up of those who watch my short film for entertainment, to be part of the atmosphere for a few minutes and feel what I will try to transmit.